Bologna, known as “la dotta (the wise), la grassa (the fat) e la rossa (the red)” – dotta for its University, grassa for its rich cuisine and rossa for both the colors of its buildings and its left-wing politics – is one of Italy’s most developed cities both economically and socially. The city embraces its inhabitants with vibrant colors and a culturally active city center. A city designed for people with everything at walking distance, Bologna has consistently been ranked among the highest in Italy for quality of life standards. Situated in the Emilia-Romagna region, the local business environment is centered around the following industries: food, automotive, and packaging.
Know more on living costs in Bologna.
Forlì, just a short train ride from Bologna, is situated in the heart of the Romagna. City life revolves around Piazza Saffi, which is the center of the civic, cultural, economic and religious life of Forli’s citizens. The province is renown for its specialized Industrial Districts, especially in the footwear industry.
Nancy is the capital of the Meurthe-et-Moselle department and is the largest city in the province of Lorraine. The city proudly boasts its greatest leader, Stanislas Leczcynski (Stanislas I), who established his court in Nancy and made it one of the most splendid cities in Europe. Today it is a dynamic cultural and commercial center. The city’s administrative, industrial and high technology sectors have spearheaded growth within the entire Lorraine region. The economy is based on its traditional iron and steel industry, salt works, breweries, large milling plants, crystal production, and modern technology.
Porto Alegre
Porto Alegre is the capital city of Rio Grande do Sul, which borders Argentina and Uruguay, the land of the valiant Gauchos and the infamous churrasco barbeque. It is southern Brazil’s most important port city and a key player in Mercosul. Since the 19th century, Porto Alegre has been a place of immigration, particularly from Europe (Germany, Poland and Italy), which has heavily influenced not only the architecture and cuisine but many other cultural aspects as well.
Shanghai, or simply put “Hu”, is China’s most populated metropolis. Situated on the Yangtze River, it has become the most influential city in East China. The city’s unique glamour is found in the blend of cultures between: the modern and the traditional, the west and the east, which make the city truly memorable. As a rising economic power, the city has the upbeat appeal of a city on the move.
Berlin is the biggest city in Germany, a Bundesland and the capital city of the German state. As a dynamic, forward thinking and cutting-edge European metropolis, Berlin is the perfect addition to the MIEXperience.
Mexico City
Mexico City is the Federal District and capital of Mexico and by some estimates is the world’s third largest urban area. Boasting a year-round spring-like climate, the city offers its inhabitants a rich cultural offering and a colorful art scene. Stemming from a turbulent socio-political and economic background, Mexico City represents a city that is seeking to renew itself.
Moscow, Russia’s capital city, is the center of the political, cultural and economic pulse of the country. Home of a lot of “mosts” – the most billionaires, most expensive cup of coffee, most colossal building someday? – the city is also the home of a new wave of creativity and exploration. Contemporary culture now mingles with the city’s history, surrounding the Kremlin and its fallen heroes with different stories and a drive to make re-creation a recreation.